Already a week and 2000km since we left! We're starting to loose track of what day it is and the states are flying by. We've even crossed a time zone earlier today, we're 1 hour behind the Montreal region.
Yesterday we stopped in Columbus Ohio so i could get a few hours of work done. The ladies meet a fun couple in the park searching for buried treasure with a metal detector. They found an eager assistant in Marianne who had a blast trying her hand at finding various bits and pieces of metal and assisting in a lucky find of a gold ring.
A funny moment i had while searching for some Soya Milk in a Walmart: i asked one of the cashiers where i could find some non-dairy milk... she said she had no idea and flagged over another cashier... no idea either... so i ask where the health food section is... i get a blank stare, then one of them says "i don't know nothing about healthy" and laughs... that's when i realize who i'm asking about health food, the ladies, while very nice, put together would probably weigh more that a small car!
Today was a driving sprint towards St-Louis Illinois with a few stops along the way. Here we are taking a break to stretch and play tag on a small street off the highway. I just realized there was no picture yet of our camper on the blog, so here it is!
Before (or after, not so sure anymore) the game of tag we encountered a curious lama by the side of the road. We weren't sure if he was friendly or would decide to spit on us so we abstained of petting him.
The day ended with a visit to Driftstone Pueblo, in St. Elmo Illinois. The girls, being big fans of american indian culture, we're jumping with joy at the sight of the tipi and the animal sculptures.
The store was filled with fun trinkets including a $5000 tam tam made from a huge tree stump and most likely a buffalo hide (the only animal we could think of that would have enough skin to fit on that). A sign said "If you try the drum, you buy the drum. Don't touch!". Needless to say we kept a close eye on the kids! We left with a few books and a couple of postcards for a lucky few people to get :-)
Evalie insisted on helping lower the legs of the camper, and she has even been sleeping in her own bed (and sometimes with Marianne) with relatively little fuss. I think she is going to grow allot during this trip!
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