Two weeks and 3200km into our trip, and everything is a-ok. I'm typing this from a picnic table under the stars in our camping spot. We found a decent camp site in the Little River State Parc, just bellow Oklahoma City, in Oklahoma! We're going to stay here for a few days, the weather is great... very warm actually, it was 30C yesterday and little cooler today (or maybe we are getting used to the heat). There is a beach here with orange/brown sand that made for some fun sand castle building with the girls :-)
We left Springfield friday afternoon, after running into a homeschooling group in the parc having a pirate party. We chatted with one of the moms and had a fun conversation, she became our first fans on the road and is probably reading this right now!
We tried in vain friday night and again saturday to find a camp site that had an available spot... no luck. Apparently it's not the off season yet here, at least on the weekends. We spent some time in Lake Fort Smith State Park where we took a skinny dip in the lake to cool off... after several days of low 20C weather and some rain, then suddenly having a 31C and very humid day was a bit though!
Evalie knocked out cold after an exhausting day :-)
Today (sep 22nd) is a work day for me. Just before breakfast we said goodbye to our camping neighbour Bruce, a retired dentist off on a 900 mile bike ride (that's 1500km!) back to his hometown in Kentucky.