Sunday we went to the Walmart and the Mall in Alajuela for harder to find items and to get myself a SIM card for my phone, very useful when you are outside of Canada for a while... roaming charges are outrages for cell phones! With a SIM card you get to use your phone as you would at home. I payed $36 CAN for 2GB of data for a month. Not huge but the best i could get from that company (Claro). You need to have your phone unlocked before you do that.
We even got treated to some fireworks, twice! Saturday night was a bit late and the kids where already asleep. The explosion didn't even wake them. But Sunday they did them early so we all got to see them. Here is the best shot i managed to get. It's not the Benson and Hedges fireworks competition but it was nice and the girls first time seeing fireworks :-)
Monday saw us on a day trip to Poas Valcano, about an hour drive from the house. It's a constantly rising and twisting narrow road... not ideal for our little ones with motion sickness but they made it without to much trouble. In the image bellow you can see some giant leaves of a plant that the locals call "poor man's umbrella". It's about 1 Evalie in diameter (more than a meter).
After a little walk and getting a wiff of sulfur we made it to the edge of the volcano to see... clouds... apparently this happens fairly often, since the mountain top is literally at cloud height... oh well. See the link above for a view of what we should of seen.
Tree hugging Julie in a typical pose, this time with her favorite plant in giant form.
Next update in a few days after a trip to Jaco Beach for my birthday thursday :-)
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